Aged 6 -18 months

Baby Classes


Aged 6 -18 months

Our baby classes welcome tiny ones and their grownups to explore and develop through sound, touch and gentle movement. They are carefully designed to help with coordination and are a great way for babies to learn to interact with one another.

With the help of their grownups, babies explore new textures and sounds using wooden claves, percussive shakers and colourful scarves. They’ll be happily bouncing along to their favourite song and curiously crawling towards their favourite musical instrument in no time.

Baby Classes .

Baby Classes .

Following the EYFS curriculum, through our catchy covers and specially written baby songs, our classes encourage fine motor skills and early language development. It’s a fantastic way to bond with your baby through music and also a fun opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers. 

At the end of each session, we allow time for you and your baby to wind down, taking time to stretch together and enjoy calmly watching bubbles.

We understand that little ones can sometimes be unpredictable, so we want to reassure you that Pippa’s Poppets baby classes are a judgement-free space. Breast-feeding, bottle-feeding, nappy-changing and napping are all welcome in our classes. 

This footage is from some of our very first Baby classes over 15 years ago!